TBS 5922 USB DVB-S2 TV Box

7 400.00 
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Тип тюнеровDVB-S2/S Количество тюнеров1 Тип шиныUSB

Снята с производства. Замена TBS5922SE DVB-S2 TV Tuner USB Box TBS5922 USB DVB-S2 TV Tuner box is the successor of TBS QBox 3. It’s designed with advanced DVB-S2 RF/Demodulator chipsets and it’s built with high quality components. You can use it to watch UK Freesat or any other Free to Air satellite TV programs in your region. It supports both DVB-S2 and DVB-S programs receiving. It’s ready with Windows BDA driver and Linux driver up to the latest kernel 3.X(Tested on Ubuntu, Fedora, Opensuse and other Linux distributions). It’s compatible with Windows7 Media Center, MediaPortal, DVBlink, DVBDream, DVBViewer, ProgDVB, Skynet, TSreader, XBMC,MythTV,VDR and many other popular DVB softwares. The built in hardware blindscan capability allows you to scan satellite programs without knowing exact transponder details, this is especially useful for satellite feed hunting.

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